My Time Log, my first teacher
@ Zou Xin, author of 《小强升职记》and《只管去做》,
@ Jianfei, author of 《极速写作》,
@ Li Xiaolai, author of 《把时间当作朋友》and《财富自由之路》,
In 2016, I was lucky enough to be exposed to the concept of time management Through@zou Xin's 《小强升职记》, and then realized that time can be perceived through a way of recording time and grow together while Reading@li Xiaolai's 《财富自由之路》.
Finally, I found@jianfei's simple book column "Personal Big Data" on the Internet. He unselfishly disclosed his time recording method, and taught me what I could record and how to use it, it also lets me know what I can analyze, what I can improve, and where I can go by keeping track of time.
Personal big data | about the body of time
Personal big data overview of Jianfei's three-year time record
It is because of the selfless sharing of their experience, I can do more.
I hope this book is the best thanks to them!