Let more Chinese enthusiasts start time keeping

I'd like to talk to you about how the aTimeLogger enthusiast exchange group in China was formed.

On the evening of March 22, 2018, Sergei Zaplitny (hereinafter referred to as Zaplitny) added a "Join China Users WeChat" entry to aTimeLogger's "About", and Zaplitny and I went online to the "aTimeLogger-China" WeChat.

After communicating with Sergei Zaplitny email for a while in early 2018, I asked him if he would like to start a community in China for aTimeLogger China user communication, I could help, and he said yes, because of the foreign version of WeChat and language issues and so on, I became the community operator and group master.

The evening of April 29, 2018, "aTimeLogger-China" weChat group full of 100 people, I opened a new transit group convenient sweep code; May 28, 2018, "aTimeLogger-China" weChat group full of 500 people, I asked Zaplitny is retired only to retain a total group, or open sub-group, he said you decide, I decided to retired, and "modify the group business card" into the group rules, screening group members.

December 6, 2018, through aTimeLogger software plus my WeChat close to 1,000 people, the group after four clearances, the number of group members hovered around 450, compared to the early cold, active members and cattlemen more and more. We have ever-improving group rules, a cloud disk for data sharing, and an aTimeLogger FAQ manual that we maintain together.

All this, thanks to Zaplitny, the developer of aTimeLogger, and to everyone who contributes to aTimeLogger.

I will take this opportunity to share my story with "aTimeLogger-China" with you.

I can't wait to put the hope of repair on the next version update, I went to find the developer's contact information, but I didn't expect to have it in the software, sent an email to Zaplitny, a few days later Zaplitny returned to me, and then started to help me fix the problem. aTimeLogger slowly became my high-frequency software, but I really don't like the Android version of the half-Chinese, half-English interface, this English dregs with the love of the software, volunteered to say, I help you Chinese.

After half a year of intermittent research, Zaplitny and I solved the Android version's Hanization, Chinese user donation problems, and built a WeChat group. The original purpose of the group was to provide a communication platform for all Chinese users of aTimeLogger, but I have no experience in the community, there are 800 people who have been in the aTimeLogger group, but for various reasons some people come and some people leave, there are also people I very much recognize and appreciate the group of friends, but life is like that, the right is the most important.

A friend of the group once privately messaged me, "Jun, I have expectations for this group, it's different here." I realized that when I wasn't able to provide more value, I might be able to consider things from the perspective of "not letting the community go bad", so I strictly enforced the content of group chats, banned meaningless bragging, banned distribution ads, cracked software, etc. Although the activity would be much lower, it seems that it's not that bad.

The people often need to clear people, there will be group friends will ask me why not use QQ group or open subgroup, my answer is.

  1. More people communicate on WeChat than on QQ.

  2. Segments have management costs

  3. This group doesn't need that many people.

Maybe when 500 people are deleted, maybe I'll consider a new format, but it's still a ways off.

I am most uncomfortable with the people who are the free rider and the "Rookie problem", so in the intermediate group bulletin it is written that "to join the group first look at the group bulletin", and even changed my group nickname to "Tu Junjie (look at the group bulletin before asking questions + FAQ)", even so, some people still open their mouths and ask "Rookie problem", sometimes said tired, I really want to wait for them to solve the problem immediately kick.

Because it's the group master's problem, I always consider "unruly" before I do anything in the group. Some people, according to my personality of "not talking too much", want to kick him when he sends one word, but I still have to calm down and persuade myself that he hasn't violated the group rules.

I think "you may only get one chance to consume it if you give it ten times", so I've always been careful about the use of group master power, my own articles, my own ads, irrelevant content never posted to the group, nor will I start anyone to do anything for me. But one thing I've since figured out is that "I have to tell other people what I stand for by doing it over and over again to make the community what I want it to be", so now there's no soft spot for people who don't have the same values or who feel like they're a paying customer.

I hope all aTimeLogger users can achieve their goals through this software, whether they want to become more time-savvy or more self-disciplined, there are always 500 people willing to grow with you in "aTimeLogger-China"!

I'd like to thank all of you, especially the six friends @阿颢, @小李, @柳, @栗子, @丸子, and @荔枝.

Finally, to conclude with this passage from Sergei Zaplitny.

It has been 6 years since aTimeLogger was released, it is dedicated to helping everyone record/manage their time for a better life, just because of geographical differences, many powerful features are not yet known, but I will try my best to perfect the description, also hope that everyone will continue to support, any questions, please raise directly in the group, I will actively solve.

--@Sergei Zaplitny
